Sunday, August 5, 2012

Eating Cake & Loving it

I'll come right out and say it.... "I'm addicted to paper". Right now I'm completely hooked on anything Graphic 45, Authentique or My Mind's Eye. I don't know about you but for me there is nothing like flipping through a new paper collection and seeing all the beautiful colors and patterns. My pulse quickens and my mind begins to race with all the projects just begging to be made. I've always loved paper, but I started to realize that I was becoming more of a collector than a user. I was afraid to use the paper I loved so much for fear of not having it anymore. That nagging voice in my head screamed "what if I can never find it again?' and kept all those sheets of paper safe and sound in my studio. Finally, it dawned on me. All those projects that I wanted to make with my beloved paper were still waiting to be made and the ideas were always nagging at me. So, I came to my senses, the light bulb over my head flickered with the idea that if I use my papers on my projects I will still have the paper I love and adore on a project that I will treasure. A few days ago I finished a album using the Graphic 45 Happy Haunting collection (I'll be posting the photos soon). I love all the vintage images and bright colors in the paper line and I can't wait to start a new project using it. I'm taking baby steps, but now I can eat my cake and have it too.

**** This pile of paper is just a smidgen of what is hiding in my room. Sad but true...


  1. Paper Queen, a question for you...what paper have you been hording the longest? Nice start I look forward to learning more!

  2. I would have to say of all the paper I have I've been hoarding (well you say hoarding I say collecting, it doesn't sound as bad)My Minds Eye the longest. They always seem to come out with paper lines that have such yummy colors and patterns. I sometimes feel like I'm trying to paint with paper.

  3. I have seen lots of scrapbooking paper and items at garage sales this summer. Wish you lived closer. I'm anxious to see your work.

  4. I too have a lot of scrapbook paper. Just waiting for the day I can retire and start using it.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. so happy to see you blogging, chickie! keep it up!

  7. So excited for your new journey! On to bigger and better things, my friend. Love you!
